Tuesday, February 16, 2010

someone's sleeping

Earliest Tuesday morning and I've found this record I forgot you once bought for me and how did I forget an album you insisted you buy because you knew I would love it and how did you know what I would love just because you loved me.

It's a Tuesday morning in February and so it's grey in a familiar sort of way that could make today any day and any day including a February two years ago when we listened to this song and this album together for the first time and you raised your hands in the air and reached out towards me, all the while singing along.

Music is our time capsule and so much time has passed I can listen to this album and forget all the sadness and all the fights that happened at the end and this album is still perfect two years later and without you and so I can now listen to this album and love it for what it is and remember what it felt like to love you.


Charmaine D'Silva said...

Lisa...I really enjoy reading your blog! Looks like we are neighbors fot the time being

xoxo Charmaine

Phil Zerkel said...

This is one of my favorite all time albums, I really love "drum".